Dress Code: Family and Wedding Party – Indian Attire
According to Vedic tradition, marriage is viewed as a sacrament not a contract. It is a representation in this lifetime of the bond between souls formed since the beginning of time and continued… “in life after life, in age after age, in forever”.
The Hindu marriage embodies the ideals of spiritual strength, a moral and disciplined lifestyle, and the piety, selflessness and divinity of love. The Hindu marriage ceremony is meant to unite the couple so firmly, that although their bodies may remain separate, their souls link to become a harmonious whole. The format of the ceremony has evolved over thousands of years and is performed in Sanskrit.
Swagat (Welcoming Groom and His Family and Friends)
The wedding ceremony begins with Bride’s mother performing an Aarti (a ritual prayer), symbolizing her respect for him as an honorable person to marry her daughter. After that, Bride’s family and friends welcome Groom’s family and friends. Groom is then led to the mandap, where the wedding ceremony is to take place.
The mandap is a four-pillared structure, where the main ceremony takes place. Its four pillars symbolize the four goals of life: Dharma-righteous living; Artha-wealth and responsibility; Kama-family and fidelity; Moksha-liberation. It is performed in Sanskrit, the mother of all Indo-European languages.
Kanyaa Aagaman (Arrival of the Bride and Jaimala -An Exchange of Garlands)
Bride is escorted to the mandap by her friends. She places a garland around Groom’s neck. Groom reciprocates in the same manner. This symbolizes the couple’s formal acceptance of each other as life long partners Jaimala signifies the garland of victory, i.e., Both have won the hearts of each other.
Madhu-Parka ‘Vow of Sweetness!
Bride offers Groom “madhu-parka” – a mixture consisting of honey n yogurt. Groom accepts the offering by reciting a mantra, the meaning of which is “I will cultivate the sweetness of madhu-parka In all my interactions with you”, yogurt is sour but when mixed with honey becomes sweet. By offering this, Bride says that she will always be sweet and never sour. Even when Groom is sour, she will sweeten his heart with kind and caring words.
Kanyaa-Pratigrahana-Vidhi (Acceptance of the Bride by the Groom)
Bride’s parents demonstrate their approval and support for the marriage by placing Bride’s right hard in Groom’s declaring that they joyfully and of their own free will offer their daughter’s hand In marriage to Groom.
Bride and Groom then declare to everyone present, that they accept each other of their own free will. They are united like two rivers that become one. Just as it is impossible to separate two joined bodies of water, Bride and Groom agree to remain united through good times and bad times.
Pratigya (Sacred Vows)
Bride and Groom vow to;
- Always have faith in the divine
- Always show love and compassion towards one another
- Help each other in good deeds
- Strive to keep theirs minds pure and virtuous
- Be strong and righteous
- Show respect and affection towards their parents and families
- Raise their children to be strong in body and mind; and
- Welcome and honor guests who come into their home
At this point, the sacred fire s invoked in the centre of the mandap. Fire, the purest form of energy and a source of all life and the Universe, symbolizes God and serves as a witness to Bride and Groom’s commitment to marriage. The fire also represents an eternal light dispelling darkness in Bride and Groom’s life together in marriage.
Shilarohan Vidhi (Ceremony of the Rock)
Bride’s brother asks her to place her foot on a rock and recites a mantra indicating its significance. “Place your foot on this rock and be strong like it when faced with life’s difficult situations.
Laajaa-Homa -A Prayer for Shared Prosperity (Mangal Phera)
Groom’s sister places one chunni on Bride and one on Groom. Bride’s brother gives puffed rice to her and she passes on the puffed rice to Groom who will offer them into the sacred fire, while praying for happiness and success.
Following this, they circle the sacred fire four times, with Bride leading the first three times and Groom leading the fourth, fifth sixth n seventh.
Each round of the fire (Phera) signifies the four main aims of life:
- Dharma – The spirit of righteousness and one’s duty to follow the religion devoutly.
- Artha – The path and righteous means that one should follow for earning wealth and success, and endeavoring to help the poor and unprivileged whenever possible
- Kama – The love and dedication that a married couple should nave towards each other.
- Moksha – Liberation from suffering.
Gath Bandhan (A Nuptial Knot)
Groom’s sister ties the ends of the chunnis worn by them signifying that they are now tied together in body, mind and soul.
Saptapadi (Seven Steps)
Bride and Groom together take seven steps forward symbolic of the seven joint pledges they make to each other.
Each step symbolizes that Bride and Groom pledge the following vows:
- To keep a pure household, avoiding all things harmful to our health
- To develop mental, physical and spiritual strengths
- To acquire wealth by righteous means
- To acquire knowledge, happiness, and harmony by mutual love and trust
- To pray for virtuous, intelligent and courageous children
- To exercise self restraint for longevity
- To vow to always remain true companions and life-long partners
Jalasinchana Vadhu Satkar (Sprinkling of Water)
Groom’s father blesses the couple by sprinkling them with water and reciting a prayer, so that they be calm, cool and pure like water.
Groom then places sindoor (red Vermillion powder) in the parting of Bride’s hair. This offering is the mark of a married woman and shows her husband’s love, integrity and devotion towards her. Groom’s mother gives Bride jewelry welcoming her into the family.
Exchange of Rings
The couple exchanges wedding bands as a symbol of their commitment to one another.
Ashirvad (Blessing the Newlyweds)
Finally, before the newlyweds leave the mandap, the priest blesses the couple with wishes of everlasting happiness.
At this time, all gathered family members and friends are invited to confer their blessings on the couple by reciting a mantra and showering them with flower petals.
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